Methods of Analysis

Nodal Analysis
In circuit’s analysis, nodal analysis is a method of determining the voltage between “nodes” (points where elements or branches connect) in an electrical circuit in terms of the branch currents. It can use the Kirchhoff current law and ohms law.
steps to determine the nodal analysis:
  1. Note all connected wire segments in the circuit. These are the nodes of nodal analysis.
  2. Select one node as the ground reference. The choice does not affect the result and is just a matter of convention. Choosing the node with the most connections can simplify the analysis.
  3. Assign a variable for each node whose voltage is unknown. If the voltage is already known, it is not necessary to assign a variable.
  4. For each unknown voltage, form an equation based on Kirchhoff’s current law. Basically, add together all currents leaving from the node and mark the sum equal to zero. Finding the current between two nodes is nothing more than “the node you’re on, minus the node you’re going to, divided by the resistance between the two nodes.”
  5.  Solve the resulting equations using eliminations,substitution or cramer’s rule where you are comfortable to use.
Mesh Analysis
The Mesh Current Method, also known as the Loop Current Method, is that uses simultaneous equations, Kirchhoff’s Voltage Law, and Ohm’s Law to determine unknown currents in a network.
steps to determine the nodal analysis:
  1. in the Mesh Current method is to identify “loops” within the circuit encompassing all components.
  2. apply KVL to the components involved in loops give a name in order to make easy to identify the missing components.
  1. Third solve the given equations by using eliminations, substitution or cramer’s rule where you are comfortable to use.
I learned that in this topic we can determine the voltage or current pass through the node and or in a loop. This can be help to analyze the circuit that fit in a particular electronic device such as computer,cellphones, etc. and give more knowledge on how to find or compute the needs voltage,current or resistance.