Capacitors and Inductors

is a kind of electronic element that charge energy. Inside the capacitor, the terminals connect to two metal plates separated by a non-conducting substance, or dielectric. The characteristics of capacitor  is opposite to the resistor where if capacitor is connected in parallel it will directly to get the sum up, while in series, to get the equivalent 1/Ceq=1/C1+1/C2+….1/Cn.
Find total Farad of a series capacitor:
or Ceq=C1C2C3…Cn/C1+C2+C3+….Cn
Find total Farad of a parallel capacitor:
also called a coil or reactor, is a passive two terminal electrical component which resists changes in electric current passing through it. It consists of a conductor such as a wire, usually wound into a coil. When a current flows through it, energy is stored temporarily in a magnetic field in the coil. When the current flowing through an inductor changes, the time-varying magnetic field induces a voltage in the conductor, according toFaraday’s law of electromagnetic induction, which opposes the change in current that created it.
to get the equivalent of inductance:
in series :
Leq= L1+L2+L3+…Ln
in parallel:
or Leq=L1L2L3….Ln/L1+L2+L3+…Ln
In our daily lives, especially nowadays there are so many electronic devices that appear. These electronic devices content a capacitor to less fluctuate and make DC voltage smooth and accurate. Inductor also use in some electronic device and just like capacitor that less fluctuate and remove residual hums.